What is an Mpresif Marketing Plan? 

The marketing plan for a business is a comprehensive blueprint which outlines a business' overall marketing efforts. It can be part of an overall business plan. Solid marketing strategy is the foundation of a well-written marketing plan. While it contains a list of actions, without a sound strategic foundation it will be of little use. This strategic foundation will consist of various marketing strategies that become the game plan by which marketing objectives will be achieved. Every plan is based upon the detailed needs of the business' customers and on the strategies chosen to satisfy those needs.

An Mpresif marketing plan will consist of: A Title Page, Executive Summary, Current Situation of the Macroenvironment, Market, Consumer Analysis, Internal Situation, New Objectives, Summary of the Analysis, Marketing Research, New Marketing Strategy (based on the 4P's or 7P's), Implementation with a marketing roll-out strategy (summary), but all tailored according to your business' specific needs and goals. It consists of a 5-Step Process and takes approximately 3 months until finalisation. All our plans are professionally presented before the written plan is given, to render a visual understanding of its content. 

Other strategies and plans we write 

  • Strategic Plans 
  • Creative Idea Formulation Plans